Mid-Pacific Region

Junior Exhibitor Program
TICA and the Mid-Pacific Region are committed to encouraging young people to become involved and progress in the cat fancy. Our previous Junior Exhibitor Coordinator, Denise Ragozzino, has written an introduction to the program for the Mid-Pacific Region:
     A Family Tradition

Currently, Junior Exhibitors in the Mid-Pacific Region are working with the standard TICA Junior Exhibitor Award. The requirements for this program are described here:
     Junior Exhibitor Award Requirements
In the future, the Junior Exhibitor Program in the Mid-Pacific Region will be expanding to include other opportunities for young people to participate and to receive recognition. Watch this space!

Following are applications for the Junior Exhibitor Award, in both Microsoft Word format and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format:
     Junior Exhibitor Award Application, Word (35 KB)
     Junior Exhibitor Award Application, Acrobat/PDF (74 KB)

Spectator's Guide
Courtesy of Denise McInerney and Fog City Cat Club, we offer a Spectator's Guide, which can be downloaded, printed, and distributed to spectators at a show to help them understand the proceedings. All TICA clubs are welcome to use the guide at their shows, provided that the copyright notice is left intact. It's in PDF format, so you can view, save, and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. It should be copied onto one sheet of paper, both sides, and then folded in thirds for distribution. The file is 438 KB in size, so it'll take a few minutes to download if you're using a modem to connect to the Net. Try doing it late in the evening or early in the morning, or getting a club member with a fast connection to download it. Click here to download.

Press Releases and Coupons
Courtesy of Mark Coleman, we offer a number of sample press releases and discount admission coupons for shows. You'll need to modify the details to fit your club and show, but the basic layouts and wording can remain the same. The coupons are in Microsoft Publisher format, and the press releases are available in both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher formats. A couple of the files are large, so they'll take a few minutes to download if you're connecting to the Net via modem.

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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of its authors alone and do not reflect the views of The International Cat Association. The use of its logo in no way implies approval by The International Cat Association of its contents nor does it indicate that this is an official publication of that association.